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来源:考试网   2012-09-19【
Passage 2:


What really makes me mad is the attitude towards morals. Some people are really shocked because actors are allowed to walk about the stage with little clothes on these days. But these same people are not shocked by advertisements which persuade the public to buy things which can do real harm to people, like cigarettes and alcohol for example. I think a lot of advertisements are much more immoral than so-called pornographic or dirty plays and books because they lie or at least disguise the truth.


真正让我发狂的是人们对道德的态度。演员可以着装暴露,在台上走来走去,这让一些人感到惊讶,然而同样是这批人,却不会因为广告劝说公众购买如烟酒等对他 们有害的产品而震惊。我认为比起那些所谓的或黄色节目和书刊,很多广告更不道德,因为它们在说谎,至少在掩盖真相。



1. little clothes连用。little如果作为“少”修饰的是不可数名词,很明显这里不合适,可以考虑little表示“短的”意思,意译为“着装暴露”。

2. pornographic对学生词汇量要求较高。这个单词表示“的、黄色的”。同时,dirty这里不能直译为“脏的”,而应该采用它的引申义“下流的、的”。

3. disguise较难,表示“掩饰、掩盖”,disguise the truth也就可以翻译为“掩盖真相”。

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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