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中华考试网   2014-05-09   【

  S3. 【公开信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的公开信,倡议大学应该to build an electronic board at student center。

  好处1:Make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on campus by posters


  【学生议论】: 女生反对这个计划,it is better to get news from different locations on campus。

  理由1、They are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center, they will miss the notice.举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn't miss a show / concert的例子。

  理由2、Even though the new bulletin board was established, students will still do posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post出来)。

  S4. 【课文要点】:Negative ideation: a method used by people to resist desires by adding something negative. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯。

  【教授举例】: 教授举的他自己戒除巧克力的例子。教授loves chocolate bar because it is tasty, but chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. 后来whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water,来reduce the temptation,就戒了he stopped buying。

  S5. 【学生困难】:男生想弄个announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出singing group. He did not submit the announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not be many students come to see the performance.


  方案1、To postpone 延期到下周,但but it not easy to book the music hall where the performance will take place。

  方案2、To notice students by posters at different locations on campus since students are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下。

  S6. 【讲课要点】:Wetland's two benefits for animals.

  1). For nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

  2). For rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before


  S6【讲课要点】:loon birds have two types of feather to protect them in the cold water, they are water birds live in cold climate in north America, 1st, the outer layer of the birds’ body. This type of feather keeps the birds dry, it is packed tightly and oily which keep the water going into the body. 2nd type, is down feather, which keeps the bird warm. It is dense and thick and is made of soft fluffy material. So it prevents the heat loosing for the body


  S3: 文章: 说要把一个on campus 剧院关掉,移到外面的一个地方,这样的好处有:1. 外面的剧院更大,就有更多的人去。2. 外面的light 和sound 系统更好。听力: 男生不同意,说1. 太远了,不方面,同学们不想去2. 我们不是PROFETIONAL 的,所以没有受训练,去用更好SYSTEM也许还更差。

  S4 adaptive reuse: 文章:介绍再利用,说是把没有用的但是有很好历史价值房子重新装修再来使用。听力: 老师介绍说原来他们要建一个CONCERT hall, use a chocolate factory来改造,说这个地方足够大,很漂亮啊什么的。

  S5: 女生took 6 classes this semester and she was selected to the women's basketball team。平时篮球训练占用了她太多的学习时间。【解决方案】:女生自己说出方案1:to quit the basketball team, since it takes too much time。男生说她got in the team after several times of application,放弃了很shameful。男生说出方案2:to drop some classes which are not so important。反正也不是required classes。但女生说good scores in extra classes may make her competitive to attend a graduate school。

  S6: children的social skills是怎么培养的。1. 3-4岁的时候虽然在一起玩,但是是做不同的事。比如用block玩的时候,有一个可能拼车,有的可能干其他的什么(忘了)。2. 5-6岁的时候,孩子一起玩就是corporation了,比如玩block 的时候,很多人交谈,然后一起决定要怎么建这个房子。


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