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来源:考试网   2010-06-05【


Part A: Spot Dictation

1. human relationship 11. cover up
2. sum up 12. intend to do
3. in office 13. their feelings or intentions
4. find out 14. automatically
5. know them better 15. telephone number
6. looking and listening 16. stand or speak
7. behavior and actions 17. more time together
8. ignore 18. share more
9. the way he speaks 19. deeper and stronger
10. afraid to show 20. what we hear
Part B: listening Comprehension

1-5    BDCDD 6-10    CBDAD
11-15  DBCCD 16-20  BBABA
21-25  CCADB 22-30  CBDDA

Part C: Listening and translation

 Ⅰ. sentence Translation
1. 老年人口的数量在急剧增加,原因是人们比过去更加长寿。这在发达国家更是如此。
2. 在我们造出产品和提供服务,可以改善我们生活条件的同时,我们可能会毁坏自然资源和环境。
3. 根据我们的记者报道,加拿大北部下了大雪。许多道路被封闭,交通严重堵塞。
4. 在苏格兰,又发生了一场火车事 。四人死亡,至少有十人受伤。相当数量的火车误点。
5. 我们的家庭和社会更加强盛。犯罪率是25  年以来最低的。而且,700 万以上的美国人 摆脱了贫困。

Ⅱ. Passage Translation
Passage 1

Passage 2
    在英国,教师们担忧在不久的将来,他们可能会无法进行教学,除非 取措施,恢复课堂上的纪律。在许多学校,一小部分青少年学生调皮捣蛋,完全不受管束。结果是,教师无法把课教好。课堂比足球场还要嘈杂,上课已完全失去其教育开导、令人欢愉的体验。


1-5    DBCCB 6-10    CBCCD
11-15  CACBD 16-20  CBDBB
21-25  DBCAD 22-30  DCCBD

    到本世纪中叶,世界上约三分之二的国家,至少50  亿人口将享受到目前只有经济发 达国家才拥有的生活水准,其中约30亿人生活在亚洲。亚洲国家的整体经济规模将超过世界上其他国家和地区加在一起的经济规模。



    This year's meeting will, centering round the theme of  “Meeting new challenges in the new century: achieving common prosperity through participation and cooperation, review the agenda covering 5 areas with a view to promoting the economic and trade development  in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

    This year's APEC meeting will focus on 2 key missions: one is to strengthen the cooperation among APEC members in dealing with a possible economic slowdown to build up new confidence; the other is to continue to advance the process of APEC trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and urge the WTO to initiate a new round talks as soon as possible.


Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In  this  part of the test,you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or word or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now let's begin Part A with Spot Dictation.

(Woman)      Welcome to this edition of“Human Nature”-a series of lecturers delivered by the local Community College. Today, we'd like to discuss another aspect of human relationship. We are all human, and one part of human nature is to try to“sum one another up”.The first day in class, for example, we sum up the teacher and our classmates. The same is true with our first day in office where we are most likely to sum up our boss or colleagues. We do this in order to find out two things. Firstly, to discover what kind of people they are, and secondly, to find out if we might like to know them better.

     There are two main ways in which we sum up other people, that is, by looking and listening. If the person we are watching sends messages through his behaviors and actions that we  find annoying, our  first impression of him will be as an annoying person. We will, therefore, try to avoid or simply ignore this kind of person. If, on the other hand, we are pleased by what he says as well as the way he speaks, behaves or acts, we will probably try to become friendly with him.

      Some people, however seem afraid to show the kind of person they really are. They try their utmost  to cover up their  real personality and purposes so that we never  know how they  feel about us and what they intend to do. Since we can not be sure of their feelings intentions, we are not sure how we feel about them either.

     When we get to know people,there are certain things we tell them automatically.For example,our name, address,telephone  number,our appearance,our leisure likes and  music preferences, the way we sit, stand or speak. But there will be things that we do not  share. As people spend more time together, they each encourage the other to share more and show more of themselves. In this way, a relationship grows deeper and stronger-provided, of course, that we like what we see and what we hear!

责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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