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来源:考试网   2010-05-31【

2. Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 11—14

11. (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five
12. (A) A profit-making private school.
 (B) A non-profit-making independent school.
 (C) A state school that is funded by non-governmental sources.
 (D) A secondary school that is open to the majority of British students.
13. (A) Many children are no longer placed in schools according to their academic abilities.
 (B) Many children can afford to study in private schools, as they become part of the state system.
 (C) Children from wealthy families no longer choose to go and study in public schools.
 (D) Cleverer children will be sent to the best private schools in the country for a better development.
14. (A) Clever and less bright children will mix well with each other.
 (B) School authorities will receive more funds from the government.
 (C) Most students will do well in their entrance examination for the higher education.
 (D) Every child will have an equal opportunity to go on to higher education.

Questions 15—18

15. (A) One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.
 (B) One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.
 (C) One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.
 (D) One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories
16. (A) The New Oxford Picture Dictionary
 (B) The American Heritage Dictionary
 (C) The Dictionary of Legal Terms
 (D) The Drinking Water Dictionary
17. (A) It lists abbreviations, proper nouns, and tables of measures.
 (B) It is an unabridged edition providing as many as 500,000 entries.
 (C) It was randomly compiled and contains as many foreign words as possible.
 (D) It provides detailed information of famous people and places.
18. (A) A school dictionary. (B) A college dictionary.
 (C) A general dictionary. (D) A specialized dictionary.

Questions 19—22

19. (A) He’s bought his wife a present. (B) He’s missed an important phone call.
 (C) He’s dismissed his new secretary. (D) He’s popped out shopping.
20. (A) Talking about the latest fashion.
 (B) Offering special reductions.
 (C) Giving bigger discounts to female customers.
 (D) Pressing on the customer to make a decision.
21. (A) Upside down and inside out. (B) Inside out and back to front.
 (C) With its sleeves as trouser legs. (D) With its pattern upside down.
22. (A) A V-necked pullover with short sleeves.
 (B) A high-necked pullover with long sleeves.
 (C) A white pullover with a pattern.
 (D) A blue pullover with a high neck.

Questions 23—26

23. (A) That of a creator. (B) That of a re-creator.
 (C) That of a receiver. (D) That of a performer.
24. (A) Because we need to concentrate for our quiet thought.
 (B) Because we want to give full attention to the driving.
 (C) Because we try to avoid being caught by the patrolling police.
 (D) Because we intend to be as casual as possible in the driving.
25. (A) In the elevator. (B) In the car.
 (C) In the bathroom. (D) In the church.
26. (A) By perceptive and analytical listening.
 (B) By taking a sonic bath.
 (C) By attending classical concerts.
 (D) By listening to an emotional piece of music.

Questions 27—30

27. (A) His grandfather’s house. (B) His parents’ remarks.
 (C) A magazine. (D) A coursebook.
28. (A) Enjoying visiting zoos. (B) Driving a car.
 (C) Making money. (D) Taking kids to a museum.
29. (A) It died a few years ago. (B) It killed several tourists.
 (C) It is only a legend. (D) It is a living dinosaur.
30. (A) No one has provided an accurate description of the animal.
 (B) No dead bodies of the animal have ever been found.
 (C) There are only 500 species living in Loch Ness.
 (D) The lake is not deep enough for such a huge animal.

责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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