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来源:考试网   2011-03-24【

  唱高调 mouth high-sounding words

  唱名表决 roll-call vote

  唱双簧 play a duet----collaborate; echo each other

  超编人员 exceed personnel

  超导元素 superconducting elements

  超短波 ultrashort wave

  超负荷运转 overloaded operation

  超高速巨型计算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer

  超级巨型油轮 ultra large crude carrier

  超前教育 superior education

  超前消费 pre-mature consumption; overconsuming; excessive consumption; spend beyond one’s means

  超前意识 superior consciousness

  超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

  超载过牧 overgraze

  超支户 household (or family) living perpetually in debt

  朝阳产业 sunrise industry

  潮汐电站 tidal power stations

  炒汇 speculate in foreign currency

  炒作 speculation (stock); sensationalization (news)

  扯皮 shirk; pass the buck

  彻头彻尾的反动政治势力 an out and out reactionary political force

  撤销原案 rescind the case

  撤销职务 annul one’s position; dismiss ... from; be stripped of; remove... from

  尘云 dust clouds

  沉没成本 sunk cost

  晨练 morning exercise

  趁热打铁 make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot

  成本分摊 sharing costs

  成本效益 cost-effectiveness

  成本效益分析 cost-efficiency analysis

  成分指数 component index

  成份指数 component index

  成活率 survival rate

  成吉思汗 Genghis Khan

  成人中等职业技术教育 adult secondary vocational and technical education

  成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults

  成事在天,谋事在人 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven; Man proposes, God disposes

责编:sallylsl 评论 纠错


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