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来源:考试网   2010-05-31【

  Questions 16-20

  16. (A) The woman goes to school during the day and works at night.

  (B) The woman has to work to support herself.

  (C) The woman's classes are not difficult.

  (D) The woman studies at night.

  17. (A) She feels that he won't accept anything.

  (B) She's sure he already has a pocket calculator.

  (C) She thinks he has almost everything he wants.

  (D) She's afraid her wants more than she can afford.

  18. (A) Tom survived the accident.

  (B) Tom was killed in the accident.

  (C) Someone saved Tom's life.

  (D) It did little damage to Tom's car.

  19. (A) The train is crowded.

  (B) The train is late.

  (C) The train is empty.

  (D) The train is on time.

  20. (A) No, all the rooms are taken.

  (B) Yes, there are some spare rooms.

  (C) Yes, there is a double room.

  (D) Yes, there is a single room.

责编:Amanda 评论 纠错


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