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来源:华课网校   2022-08-10【

在这炎炎夏日,“冰镇西瓜+空调”的神仙组合简直是消暑必 备。

Watermelon is synonymous with summer. Just the thought of the sweet and juicy fruit sparks images of sweltering hot days and racing to finish a freshly cut slice before its juices drip down your arm.



According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, since early-ripening watermelons entered the market in late March sales have gradually increased and the online fruit market has also seen a consumption boom.

According to the data of Meituan, since watermelons entered the market, the demand for watermelons among consumers across the country has gradually increased and the sales of watermelon have grown rapidly. From May 23 to May 29, the sales of watermelons increased by nearly 200% compared with the first week of May. Among them, the overall sales of "Black Beauty" watermelons increased the fastest year on year, with a year-on-year increase of more than 50%.




According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, China accounted for 46.04 percent of the world's watermelon planting area in 2020, making the country the largest producer and consumer of the fruit.

据全球统计数据库Statista,中国2010年至2020年的西瓜产量均突 破6000万吨。第二大西瓜生产国土耳其,产量却远不及中国的十分之一。中国的断层式数据令其他国家望尘莫及。这惊人的产量,是连吃瓜群众也要惊掉下巴的程度!

题库: 翻译资格考试二级《口译综合能力》考试题库   翻译资格考试二级《口译实务》考试题库  


责编:jianghongying 评论 纠错


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