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来源:考试网   2020-08-03【


  Despite the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years, a(n)____ harvest was gathered in.

  A. desirable

  B. wishful

  C. bumper

  D. ideal


  解析:从结构上来看,这一题是一个让步从句+主句。因此,the severest drought所意指的结果要与空格里的词是反义的——xx harvest。也就是说,该地经历了最为严重的干旱,可是仍然“丰收”了。从四个选项里来看,表示“丰收”的词也只有bumper了。英文解释是A bumper crop or harvest is one that is larger than usual.


  The factory has turned out ________.

  A. twice TV sets this year more than last year.

  B. TV sets this year as many as last year.

  C. twice as many TV sets this year as last year.

  D. TV sets twice more this year than last year.

  参考答案:C. twice as many TV sets this year as last year.

  解析:这一下考点似乎是有关于twice的用法,实则是有关于倍数的句型。我们先来看看twice的意思。Twice在这一个句子里,是为作为副词来使用的,其意思是“两倍; 强(或好、难)得多”,即If one thing is, for example, twice as big or old as another, the first thing is two times as big or old as the second. People sometimes say that one thing is twice as good or hard as another when they want to emphasize that the first thing is much better or harder than the second. 也就是说,两个事物比较的话,前者是后者的“两倍”,但后接的不是than,而是as +adj.+as。例如:The figure of seventy-million pounds was twice as big as expected. /7,000 万英镑的金额是预期的两倍。这是一种表示倍数的方式,而另外两种方式是:倍数 + 形容词比较级 + than ...和倍数 + the + size/length等名词 + of ..。


  He had ____ on the subject.

  A. a rather strong opinion

  B. rather strong opinion

  C. rather the strong opinion

  D. the rather strong opinion

  参考答案:A. a rather strong opinion

  解析:这一题涉及到的是定语修辞的排序。有一个口诀做参考:大小、长短、形状+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、出处+材料+用途、类别。不过呢,在这一句里,opinion是一个可数名词,an opinion on the subject的意思是对这个问题提出意见和观点。而rather strong则是表示opinion的程度,要放在a和opinion之间。


  With a ____ of his fingers, he drew my attention to the notice that said "No Smoking".

  A. twitch

  B. snap

  C. jerk

  D. jump

  参考答案:B. snap

  解析:这一句话描述的是一个人连续的行为。不过,由于受到语法的限制,不如中文那样用连动词,而是用了一个介词短语作状语,用一个谓语动词。不过,介词短语里的名词的语义表示的是一个动词。整句话的意思是他用手指表示了一个动作,让我看到一个“禁止吸烟”的标识牌。那么,手指会有什么样的动作呢?从四个选项来看,可能看到两个比较常见的词B.snap和D.jump,以及两个不常见的词A. twitch和C.jerk。不过,从搭配的角度来说,a snap of his fingers的意思就是“打了个响指”,且这个动作通常是用于引发人们的注意力,或是表示bingo。A.twitch,是一个动词而不是名词,其意思是“(使)(尤指身体部位)抽搐;(使)抽动;急拉;急扯”,即If something, especially a part of your body, twitches or if you twitch it, it makes a little jumping movement.例如:When I stood up to her, her right cheek would begin to twitch./当我作出反抗时,她右侧脸庞就会开始抽搐。Jerk作为名词时,意思是“傻瓜;笨蛋;混蛋”,即If you call someone a jerk, you are insulting them because you think they are stupid or you do not like them. 而只是作动词时,其意思是“(向某个方向)急拉,猛推;(使)猝然一动”,即If you jerk something or someone in a particular direction, or they jerk in a particular direction, they move a short distance very suddenly and quickly. 例如:Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair./格里芬先生坐在椅子上猛地向前一凑。


  Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experience are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ______ signs of adolescent anxiety.

  A. prophetic

  B. normal

  C. monotonous

  D. virtual

  E. typical

  参考译文:A. prophetic

  解析:这题的考点不只是词汇量,也带着考一些成长心理学的知识点。Kagan这里指的是Kagan Jerome,即卡根·杰罗斯,美国心理学家。这句话的意思是卡根认为 ,婴儿对最初紧张经历的反应是很自然发育的一部分,而不是其童年不幸的前兆,也不是青春期焦虑的先兆表现。从语法的角度来看,harbingers应该是与xx sign并列的,在语义上应该是同义的。因此,这四个选项里,选项A. prophetic——预言性的,预示的——最符合了。Prophetic的英文解释是:If something was prophetic, it described or suggested something that did actually happen later. 例如:This ominous warning soon proved prophetic./这个不祥的警告很快证明是有预见性的。Friends recalled Elisabeth's prophetic words of several years ago. /朋友们回想起几年前伊丽莎白预言性的一番话。其它三个选项的意思分别是:B.normal正常的;C. monotonous单调的;D. virtual虚拟的。

责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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