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来源:考试网   2013-03-21【

Harry: Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter.
Susan: Sure. The number is...five five five...seventeen twenty.
Harry: May I use the phone?

Harry: Five five five…one seven two oh. Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I wanna to leave the phone number of the restaurant...Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. Well, that's done. Shall we go?
Susan: I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Have a nice evening.
Harry: Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again.
Marilyn: Me, too. Have fun!
Susan: Thanks.
Harry: After you.


1. I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter.
I'd like to…(I would like to)是较客气的表示希望或要求的说法。

2. five five five…seventeen twenty

3. Five five five…one seven two oh.

4. Shall we go?
用"Shall we ...?" 来提建议,显得礼貌。

5. Hope to see you again.

6. After you.

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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