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来源:考试网   2013-03-21【

Carlson: Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill.
Richard: Oh, how do you do?
Marilyn: Nice to meet you.
O'Neill: I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart. [to Richard] I'm really impressed by your show.
Richard: Thank you.
O'Neill: In fact, I'd like your autograph.
Richard: Oh, well, really ...
O'Neill: On a contract.
Richard: What's this about, Harvey?
Carlson: Mr. O'Neill is the publisher of several magazines.
Marilyn: Of course. I've seen you on television.
Carlson: Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept.


1. I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart.
have been looking forward to meeting: 一直盼望见到……。这里使用了现在完成进行时强调这种盼望的心情从过去就开始并一直持续到现在。look forward to doing sth. 意思是“盼望做某事”,不能说 look forward to do sth.

2. I'm really impressed by your show.
be impressed by sth.: 被……所感动;被……给予了深刻的印象。

3. In fact, I'd like your autograph. … On a contract.
说真的,我希望你给我签个名。…… 签在一纸合同上。
这里O’Neill先生用幽默的方式表达出了他希望与Richard合作的意愿。因为大家都要求作者签名留念,所以他用 autograph这个字,其实在契约上签字应称为 signature。Richard谦虚地说: “Oh, well, really…” 意思是说我的签名不值得你要。

4. Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept.
develop it into a magazine concept: 把它办成杂志。

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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