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来源:考试网   2013-05-30【

  1. What is the main idea of the passage?

  (A) Electric utilities lose more profits from reducing electric demand.

  (B) Electric utilities gain more profits from increasing electric demand.

  (C) The more electricity customers save, the less profits utilities make.

  (D) The more electricity customers save, the more incentive payments utilities get.

  2. Which of the following gives the best definition of the expression "to stand tradition on its head" (para. 1)?

  (A) To criticize tradition. (B) To go against tradition.

  (C) To carry forward tradition. (D) To integrate tradition.

  3. In the passage, the measures of decoupling used in utility efficiency programs refer to the practice of ________.

  (A) separating the utility profits from power production

  (B) combining fixed costs with variable costs

  (C) strengthening both incentives and penalties

  (D) rearranging the incentive structure

  4. According to the passage, when Idaho Power is building plants and purchasing equipment, such fixed costs _______.

  (A) will no longer be treated as the costs of electricity sales

  (B) will partially be covered by state regulators

  (C) are still to be recovered by the companies

  (D) are paid from customers' electricity bills

  5. All of the following are the reasons why electric utilities welcome decoupling EXCEPT ______.

  (A) the rapidly rising cost of building power plants

  (B) the uncertainty about future costs

  (C) the community opposition to the building of coal-fired power plants

  (D) the reservations consumer advocates have about energy-saving measures


  1. D 2. C3. D 4. C 5. D

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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