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来源:考试网   2020-11-18【


  平安中国建设 Peaceful China initiative

  上海精神 Shanghai Spirit

  外贸创新发展 innovative development of foreign trade

  川藏铁路 Sichuan-Tibet Railway

  农村土地制度改革 reform of rural land system



  请看相关报道:China is doubling down on efforts to stem the transmission of the novel coronavirus through imported cold-chain products, requiring thorough disinfection of such shipments before they come into contact with domestic workers.中国加大力度防范新冠病毒通过进口冷链食品传播,要求在进口冷链食品首次与我境内人员接触前实施预防性全面消毒处理。

  方案要求,在确保进口冷链食品安全的同时,提升口岸通关效率(improve customs clearance efficiency ),避免货物积压滞港(avoid overstocking),保障产业链供应链稳定(ensure the stability of the industrial and supply chain)。

  口岸环节For imported cold-chain foods that test negative for the virus, the interiors of cold chain vans and the outer packaging of the foods should be disinfected before being transported. The foods that test positive for COVID-19 will be returned or destroyed.病毒检测结果为阴性的进口冷链食品,对进口冷链食品的集装箱内壁、货物外包装实施消毒。检测结果为阳性的,按规定作退运或销毁处理。

  冷链运输和出入库环节The plan requires cold-chain logistics firms to strictly check customs clearance documents for imported cold-chain foods and disinfect vehicles, ships, and other transportation equipment. Workers who have direct contact with the foods should take protective measures.冷链物流企业严格查验海关通关单证,落实运输车辆船舶等装载运输装备消毒、一线工作人员个人防护等措施。

  Cold storages should keep records of imported cold-chain foods coming in and out, and the records should be kept for at least two years, read the plan.冷库接受进口冷链食品时,做好货物的出入库记录,相关资料和记录应至少留存2年。

  市场环节Sellers of imported cold-chain foods must present disinfection certificates before their products are allowed to enter the market, according to the document.加强进口冷链食品是否消毒的相关证明查验工作,防止未经过预防性全面消毒处理的进口冷链食品进入市场。

  Efforts should go into ensuring all the imported cold-chain foods entering the market are traceable, the plan said.做到所有进入市场的进口冷链食品来源可查、去向可追。



  请看相关报道:Supervisors shoulder the primary responsibility in cultivating postgraduate students and the important task of nurturing high-end and innovative talent, the Ministry of Education said.教育部指出,研究生导师是研究生培养的第一责任人,肩负着为国家培养高层次创新人才的重要使命。

  准则提出的“十不得”要求为:should not present speeches or actions that go against the Party's theories and policies, violate State laws and regulations, damage the image of the Party and the State, or deviate from the core socialist values.不得有违背党的理论和路线方针政策、违反国家法律法规、损害党和国家形象、背离社会主义核心价值观的言行;

  should not organize or participate in any activity that may compromise the fairness and impartiality of examination and admissions不得组织或参与任何有可能损害考试招生公平公正的活动;

  should not neglect to supervise and advise graduate students on their academic progress and the academic problems they face不得对研究生的学业进程及面临的学业问题疏于监督和指导;

  should not ask students to do things irrelevant to their academic study, scientific research and social service不得要求研究生从事与学业、科研、社会服务无关的事务;

  should not purposely delay students' graduation不得违规随意拖延研究生毕业时间;

  should not violate the academic standards or harm the academic research rights and interests of graduate students不得有违反学术规范、损害研究生学术科研权益等行为;

  should not submit dissertations that do not meet academic standards and quality requirements for review and defense不得将不符合学术规范和质量要求的学位论文提交评审和答辩;

  should not make misrepresentation, fraudulent claim, or misappropriation of research funds or other expenses in the name of graduate students不得以研究生名义虚报、冒领、挪用、侵占科研经费或其他费用;

  should not humiliate students不得侮辱研究生人格;

  should not have inappropriate relationships with students不得与研究生发生不正当关系。

  准则强调,对违反准则的导师,培养单位要依规采取约谈、限招(limit the number of students they can supervise)、停招直至取消导师资格(disqualify them from supervising any students)等处理措施;对情节严重、影响恶劣的,一经查实,要坚决清除出教师队伍(be banned from teaching);涉嫌违法犯罪的移送司法机关处理(transferred to judicial authorities)。

责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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