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来源:考试网   2020-07-28【



  Until recently the ear was a part of the body relatively unconquered by commerce. The neck long ago fell to the necklace, the ruff and the tie. The wrist surrendered to the bracelet and the watch. The eye sold out to spectacles, shades and mascara. But the ears were a low-rent zone for business, good mostly for cheap jewellery, earphones and hearing aids. Walk around any big city and it is clear how quickly that is changing—thanks to headphones, earbuds and a torrent of new stuff blaring through them.


  脖子很早就失守了,成了项链、拉夫领和领带的领地。The neck long ago fell to the necklace, the ruff and the tie.

  手腕向手镯和手表投了降。The wrist surrendered to the bracelet and the watch.

  眼睛被出卖给了眼镜、墨镜和睫毛膏。The eye sold out to spectacles, shades and mascara.

  耳朵曾是个不上档次的商业领域 the ears were a low-rent zone for business

  助听器 hearing aids

  头戴式耳机 headphones

  耳塞式耳机 earbuds

  通过这些设备播放的大量新事物 a torrent of new stuff blaring through them

  a torrent of

  N-COUNT A torrent of abuse or questions is a lot of abuse or questions directed continuously at someone. (漫骂或问题的) 迸发


  Until recently the ear was a part of the body relatively unconquered by commerce. The neck long ago fell to the necklace, the ruff and the tie. The wrist surrendered to the bracelet and the watch. The eye sold out to spectacles, shades and mascara. But the ears were a low-rent zone for business, good mostly for cheap jewellery, earphones and hearing aids. Walk around any big city and it is clear how quickly that is changing—thanks to headphones, earbuds and a torrent of new stuff blaring through them.



  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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