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来源:考试网   2020-03-25【

  1. 其实不仅仅是文艺综艺类的节目关注中国文化,就像我主持的《新闻联播》节目,刚刚过去的春节里,大家都注意到了老百姓自拍的《厉害了 我的国》,在百度搜索量已经超过了1个亿。

  Chinese culture features prominently in a wide range of programs other than entertainment and variety shows. A case in point is the CCTV News of which I am an anchor/presenter. During the last Spring Festival, a program entitled “You rock, my country!”(Chinese characters: 厉害了 我的国) shot by ordinary people themselves captured extensive attention, garnering/registering/recording/posting over 100 million searches (search queries) at Baidu, China’s answer to Google.

  2. 有一个观众说《新闻联播》怎么成了催泪弹,很多观众看完以后直戳心窝子,戳中了他们的泪点,但是就算哭,他们也特别喜欢看,也愿意看。为什么这些节目老百姓这么爱看?为什么这么火呢?

  One viewer said that CCTV News has somehow become a tear-jerker. Indeed, tears of joy and pride welled up in the eyes of quite a few viewers, who were fond of watching the footage series that relate well to their life. The thing is: Why are these programs so popular with our people after all?

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