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来源:考试网   2011-01-30【

  45.你这样做人家会怎么说那? What will Mrs. Grundy say?


  You said that you would go to make money the way as they do. But if you have done the same, what will Mrs. Grundy say?

  46.使……逊色 put …in the shade


  She would put everyone else in the shade at whatever party she appears.

  47.多么……阿Talk about…!


  Talk about a beautiful woman!

  48.今后的麻烦 the devil to pay


  You can certainly get the money back. But when coming to think of the devil to pay, I advise you to give it up.

  49.实在该……了 it’s high time …did…


  It’s high time you thought about getting married.

  50. 无风不起浪 Where there’s smoke there’s fire.


  She must have done that sort of thing. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.

  51.沉重的包袱 a millstone around one’s neck


  He’s been thinking of furthering his studies abroad but, his aged mother, his wife and the children all become a millstone around his neck.

  52.理亏 be in the wrong


  He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still come down on him like a ton of bricks?

  53.除非太阳打西边出来 till gigs can fly

  想让我嫁给他那号人? 除非太阳打西边出来。

  Want me to marry a person of his sort? Till pigs can fly.

  54.宽容大度 turn the other cheek


  When you know that someone spoke evil of you behind your back, it would be very difficult to turn the other cheek to him.

  55.赞扬某人sing someone’s praises.


  Why should you always sing that guy’s praises? I don’t think he deserves all your praise.

  56.接受某人的观点take someone’s point


  I took your point , but it doesn’t mean I totally agree with you.

  57.恰到好处 fit like a glove外语学习


  Your criticism of him fitted just like a glove. If you had have made it a bit hotter, he could not have possibly accepted them.

  58.完美无缺 nothing left to desire


  He had nothing left to desire in life.

  59.平易近人common touch


  Even after becoming a minister, he still keeps his common touch with people.

  60.听天由命 resign to fate


  He failed all his attempts and now he has to resign to his fate.

  61.有失身份beneath one’s dignity


  I would be beneath your dignity if you’d follow suit and do the same.

  62.错过他人 bark up the wrong tree


  I may have been barking up the wrong tree, but she does go our a lot with a man.

  63.跃跃欲试be itching for a chance to do…

  你为什么不给他一次机会呢?他正跃跃欲试,想向你 证实一下他的能力。。

  Why don’t you give him a chance? He’s itching for a chance for show you his abilities.

  64.胸怀大志 hitch one’s wagon to a star


  It’s great to hitch your wagon to a star, but that alone is not enough.

  65.留一条退路 hedge one’s bets


  In order to hedge his bets he didn’t tell the other party all of his plan.

  66.不公平的待遇 a raw deal


  I can’t understand why she got a raw deal and could not be up in arms.

责编:sallylsl 评论 纠错


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