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来源:考试网   2013-10-19【

  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.
  11. (A) Closed to the public. (B) Silent and empty.
  (C) Packed with (D) Strangely crowded.
  12. (A) New Mexico. (B) Minnesota.
  (C) The coast of Florida. (D) The Caribbean.
  13. (A) Several gallons of petrol. (B) Food for at least three days.
  (C) Plenty of drinking water. (D) A sturdy pair of work boots.
  14. (A) The potential damage.
  (B) The unexpected temperature changes.
  (C) The hurricane's possible path.
  (D) The vulnerability of the locals.
  15. (A) Watch, wait and try not to panic.
  (B) Choose another place for a vacation.
  (C) Ask for their money back if there's a hurricane.
  (D) Plan for very bad weather.
  Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
  16. (A) Car alarms.
  (B) Sirens.
  (C) Jack-hammers.
  (D) Loud music.
  17. (A) Break eggs on the road.
  (B) Take certain legal action.
  (C) Use some minor retaliatory step.
  (D) Paint the windshield or front hood of a car.
  18. (A) It can only alert the police.
  (B) It is of no use.
  (C) It can prevent the car being broken into.
  (D) It is really too expensive.
  19. (A) It makes them noisier than they were 20 years ago.
  (B) It makes it difficult for them to fall asleep.
  (C) It affects their work during the day.
  (D) It does harm to their hearing.
  20. (A) Many New Yorkers agree about banning this form of sonic pollution.
  (B) The police have formed a posse to reduce the amount of noise.
  (C) Police can break into a car as soon as the alarm goes off.
  (D) Car alarms are very effective at preventing theft.

  Part A: Spot Dictation
  1. is jeopardizing
  2. consumer protection organizations
  3. welcomed development
  4. protect the interests of
  5. become over-dependent on professional workers
  6. your self-esteem and relationships
  7. the art of persistence
  8. not-so-pleasant messages
  9. “Don’t make a scene”
  10. assertiveness training
  11. When a record is scratched
  12. jump to turn it off
  13. in an assertive and relaxed manner
  14. agrees to negotiate with you
  15. in danger of being abused
  16. articulate but irrelevant arguments
  17. have nothing more to worry about
  18. abusive or manipulative
  19. a self-protective skill
  20. your time and energy is precious

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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