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来源:考试网   2011-11-09【
16. The major theme of the passage is about ______.

  (A) the 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche

  (B) the development of the discipline of natural history

  (C) the English language tradition of nature writing

  (D) the style of nature writing and country diaries

  17. In writing the essay, the author seems to be directly talking to the "future generations" and "future writers" probably because ______.

  (A) they will carry forward the tradition of nature writing

  (B) they will confront a changing environment and have their own perspective of natural history

  (C) they will study the causes of climate change and promote the notion and significance of biodiversity

  (D) they will value more the sophisticated ecological literacy of the nature writers and country diarists

  18. The author says that our feelings for the nature we like (as well as the nature we don't like) will need a "reassessment" probably because ______.

  (A) we should not like the cultural landscapes, continuity and native species

  (B) we should not hate the rising seas, droughts, and "invasive" species

  (C) our feelings are often irrational and subjective

  (D) our feelings are always focusing on ourselves

  19. It can be concluded that the tone of the passage is basically ______.

  (A) assertive and radical

  (B) explicit and straightforward

  (C) neutral and impartial

  (D) implicit and explorative

  20. Which of the following statements is NOT in agreement with the author's view?

  (A) The English tradition of nature writing should be reflected and reconsidered.

  (B) The values implicit in the language of natural history should be challenged.

  (C) The re-wilding of human experience and language will greatly benefit us.

  (D) The re-wilding of lands and seas will bring us more disasters.

责编:snrvge 评论 纠错


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