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来源:考试网   2019-10-23【


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  妈祖信俗也称为娘妈信俗、娘娘信俗、天妃信俗、天后信俗、天上圣母信俗。在公元987年,来自于福建的妈祖因救海难而献身,被百姓立庙祭祀。后随着海运业的发展,妈祖遂成为海神,逐渐成为中国东南沿海及部分东南亚地区的航海保护神。 妈祖信俗是以崇奉和颂扬她的功德、善良、大爱精神为核心,以妈祖宫庙为主要活动场所,以习俗和庙会等为表现形式的民俗文化。目前已从湄洲妈祖祖庙传播到世界20多个国家和地区,在全球拥有妈祖宫庙5000多座、信众2亿多人。在2300万 台湾同胞中,有1700万信仰妈祖。在 2009年9月30日联合国科教文组织政府间保护非物质文化遗产委员会第四次会议审议,决定将”妈祖信俗“列入世界非物质文化遗产,妈祖信俗即成为中国首个信俗类世界遗产。


  Mazu is the most influential goddess of the sea in China. In 987 AD, Mazu from Fujian Province devoted her life to saving lives in a shipwreck. In her honor, local residents built a temple and began to worship her as a goddess. With the development of seafaring, she gradually became the navigation goddess and gained greater influence in coastal southeast China and some regions in southeastern Asian. The custom of Mazu is also known as the Mother Belief, Goddess Belief, Princess of Heaven Belief, Queen of Heaven Belief, Our Lady of the Sky Belief. It is a folk culture dedicated to worship and praise Mazu’s grace, benevolence, and philanthropy, with Mazu palaces and temples as the major venue of various activities, and manifested in relevant customs and temple fairs. Up to date, the belief has spread to more than 20 countries and regions, and the over 5000 Mazu temples around the world received worships from over 200 million followers. In Taiwan, over 17 million people out of its 23 million population are Mazu believers. On September 30, 1999, in the fourth session of UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, “Mazu belief and customs” was added to the Intangible Cultural Heritage list. This is China’s first belief intangible cultural heritage.




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