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来源:考试网   2011-10-20【

  96. According to the passage, Summerhill places more emphasis on

  A. improving the teaching method.

  B. physical activities than on mental training.

  C. instilling confidence in the child.

  D. freeing the child from heavy burden of lessons.


  97. According to the author, the difference between Summerhill and other conventional schools is that Summerhill

  A. has a well-planned timetable for the teachers.

  B. treats children as a person.

  C. prevents children from fighting and crying.

  D. helps children recover from depression.


  98. Summerhill, according to the passage, is

  A. a discipline-centered school.

  B. an instruction-centered school.

  C. teacher-centered school.

  D. students-centered school.


  99. According to the author, a good school and its teachers should not

  A. set out strict disciplines and punish children.

  B. ignore proper teaching method.

  C. require children to attend lessons regularly.

  D. regulate the children's behavior by adult standard.


  100. The approach Summerhill adopts in its education can be termed as being

  A. humanistic.

  B. realistic.

  C. physiological.

  D. psychological.

责编:angle 评论 纠错


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