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来源:考试网   2020-06-06【

  Employee Benefits


  Cater McMamara, MBA, PhD

  卡特 麦克纳马拉(工商管理学博士)

  Employee benefits typically refers to retirement plans, health life insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, vacation, employee stock ownership plans, etc.


  Benefits are increasingly expensive for businesses to provide to employees, so the range and options of benefits are changing rapidly to include, for example, flexible benefit plans.


  Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job.


  Some benefits, such as unemployment and worker’s compensation, are federally required.(Worker’s compensation is really a worker’s right, rather than a benefit.)


  Prominent examples of benefits are insurance (medical, life, dental, disability, unemployment and worker’s compensation), vacation pay, holiday pay, and maternity leave, contribution to retirement(pension pay). Profit sharing, stock options, and bonuses. (Some people would consider profit sharing, stock options and bonuses as forms of compensation.)


  You might think of benefits as being tangible or intangible.


  The benefits listed previously are tangible benefits.


  Intangible benefits are less direct, for example, appreciation from a boss, likelihood for promotion, nice office, etc.


  People sometimes talk of fringe benefits, usually referring to tangible benefits, but sometimes meaning both kinds of benefits.


  You might also think of benefits as company-paid and employee-paid.


  While the company usually pays for most types of benefits(holiday pay, vacation pay, etc.), some benefits, such as medical insurance, are often paid, at least in part, by employees because of the high costs of medical insurance.


  PART ONE: Interview

  (1) Will you accept pay inequity?(Why?/Why not?)


  No. If I am paid less than my colleagues for the same job value contributed, I will speak to my immediate supervisor about it and try to change the situation. If the situation is beyond my power, I will quit the job immediately, you know, I cannot stand inequality and unfairness.

  (2) Is flexible work hour important to you?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes. With flexible work hour, I can vary my arrival and departure time. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam, and what’s more important is that I will have more personal time and improve my work efficiency.

  (3) Do you think that organization should keep the employee’s pay secret?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes, definitely. Income should be treated as something private and confidential. As far as I am concerned, I hate people prying into(窥探,探问) my privacy as family, marriage, age, income, etc. , so I don’t like my salary open to the public.

  (4) Do you think that taking paid holidays will improve employees’ effectiveness in work?(Why?/Why not ?)


  Yes. A break helps people momentarily(暂时地) forget the monotony(单调) and stress of work. After having had a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared for the challenge of their work.



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