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来源:考试网   2020-06-06【

  360-Degree Assessment


  Typically, performance appraisal has been limited to a feedback process between employees and supervisors.


  However, with the increased focus on teamwork, employee development, and customer service, the emphasis has shifted to employee feedback from the full circle of sources.


  This multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called”360-degree assessment” to connote that full circle.


  There are no prohibitions in law or regulation against using a variety of rating sources, in addition to the employee’s supervisor, for assessing performance.


  Research has shown assessment approaches with multiple rating sources provide more accurate, reliable, and credible information.


  For this reason, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management supports the use of multiple rating sources as an effective method of assessing performance for formal appraisal and other evaluative and developmental purposes.


  The 360-degree feedback process has become pervasive in management and human resource development practices.


  Reported statistics on 360-degree use suggest that it has gone from almost unheard of in the 1980s to widespread use in 2000.


  The circle, or perhaps more accurately the sphere, of feedback sources consists of supervisors, peers, subordinates, customers, and one’s self.


  It is not necessary, or always appropriate, to include all of the feedback sources in a particular appraisal program.


  The organizational culture and mission must be considered, and the purpose of feedback will differ with each source.


  For example, subordinate assessments of a supervisor’s performance can provide valuable developmental guidance, peer feedback can be the heart of excellence in teamwork, and customer service feedback focuses on the quality of the team’s or agency’s results.


  The objectives of performance appraisal and the particular aspects of performance that are to be assessed must be established before determining which sources are appropriate.


  PART ONE: Interview

  (1) Do you think it necessary to evaluate staff performance regularly?( Why?/Why not?)


  No, I don’t think so. Performance appraisals frequently focus on individual achievement and produce a self-focus rather than a team-focus and discourage teamwork.

  (2) What do you think are responsible for the failure of performance appraisal?(Why?)


  The reasons can be many and various, such as lack of the support of top management, rater bias, unclear performance standards, too many forms to complete, rating personality rather than performance, no follow-up coaching after the evaluation, etc.

  (3) What are the advantages of peer appraisal?(Why?)


  Fellow employees often see different dimensions of performance and can readily identify leadership and interpersonal skills along with other strengths and weaknesses of their co-workers, thus furnishing more accurate and valid information than appraisals by superiors.

  (4) Are there any drawbacks of self-appraisal?(Why?/ Why not?)


  Yes. Self-raters are more lenient than managers in their assessments and tend to present themselves in a highly favorable light. For this reason, self-appraisals may be best for developmental purposes rather than for administrative decisions.

  Managing ineffective performance 改善员工绩效,需要考虑哪些要点?

  l Training 培训

  l Transfer 工作轮换/调动

  When managing ineffective performance, providing training is important. Offering relevant and effective training would improve the employees’ ability, increase the knowledge and skills needed for effective performance.

  Besides, transfer to another job or department can be important and useful too. As we know, an outstanding scientist can be a poor manager, so one who is clumsy and nervous in one job may be skilled and easy in another. Transfer can help to make full use of an employee’s strengths, while avoiding weaknesses. Transfer can provide the employee with freshness, excitement, expectation and confidence. In one word, transfer can give an employee a chance to become a more effective member of the organization.

  In addition to training and transfer, ways to motivate the individuals are important as well, since well-motivate employees undoubtedly guarantee effective performance. If ineffective performance persists, it’s necessary to take disciplinary action or to discharge the person from the company.






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