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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  Can you think of any examples of restaurants that could be called "special" or unique?

  What (kind of) food do you like to eat? (Why?)

  Do you think it's easy to save money?

  Do you think people should have the habit of saving money?

  What about children?

  Does your country have a savings scheme (e.g., school banking) so that children can save money?

  (If you answer no to the question above) Do you think such a scheme would be a good idea?

  Do you like communicating with new people?

  How do you communicate with them?

  Where do you think is the best place to communicate with (or, find) new people (to communicate with).

  Are you planning to go overseas? (Where to? Why?)

  Why do you think so many people want to (or, choose to) go abroad?

  Do you think migrating to a different country is good?

  What benefits do people get from going abroad to live?

  Do you like cooking?

  Would you cook for your friends when they visit you?

  What is the main difference between Chinese food and Western food?
