当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思真题 >> 雅思口语 >> 2013年3月9日雅思口语真题及解析(网友回忆)


来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  And explain why you want to read it again

  Describe a training lesson you’ve attended

  -when you attended the training lesson

  -what you learned from the lesson

  -how you felt about the lesson

  And explain why you wanted to attend the lesson

  Describe a leisure activity near the sea

  -what it is

  -when and where people usually do it

  -how did you get to know this activity

  And explain why people like doing this activity

  Describe your favourite piece of clothing.

  -What piece of clothing it is

  -When and where you usually wear it

  -How you got it

  And explain why it is your favourite.

  Describe a recent change in your hometown

  -what change it is

  -when the change happened

  -how did you feel about the change

  And explain why it happened

  Describe a teenager you know.

  -Who he/she is

  -How you knew him/her

  -What he/she is like

  And explain how you feel about him/her

  Describe a plan you’ve made for your future that is not related to your study
