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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  -what the plan is

  -when you made this plan

  -how you’ve decided to achieve the goal

  And explain why you’ve made this plan

  Describe your ideal job

  -what the job is

  -whether it is easy for you to find a job like this

  -whether it is difficult to do this job

  And explain why you’d like to do this job

  Describe a character in a TV program or a film.

  -What is the character

  -What this character does

  -What kind of person this character is

  And explain how you feel about this character.

  Describe something expensive you would buy if you had a lot of money.

  -What you would buy

  -How much it would cost

  -What you would do with it

  And explain why you would buy it.
