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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【

  Describe a person with an important job

  -who this person is

  -what is the relationship between you and this person

  -what is this person

  And explain why you think his /her job is important

  Describe a sport event you’ve watched

  -what the event was

  -when did you watch it

  -did you like it

  And explain why you watched this event

  Describe an occasion when you helped other people

  -who you helped

  -what you did to help this person

  -what was the result

  And explain why you wanted to help this person

  Describe a foreign language (not English) you want to learn in the future.

  -What language it is

  -What you know about it

  -How you plan to learn it

  And explain why you want to learn it.

 Describe a book that you want to read for a second time

  -what the name of the book is

  -what is the book about

  -how did you feel when you first read this book
