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来源:中华考试网   2012-05-29   【
1 What are some differences between the skills people learn today and the skills people learned in the past?

  2 Do you think it's better to learn things in "real life" or from textbooks?

  3 Children and Skills

  4 What skills do you think children should (or, need to) learn?

  5 What are the earliest skills that children learn?

  6 Do you think children learn skills faster than adults?

  Describe a subject that you studied (in school) that you thought was interesting

  You should say:

  what the subject was

  what your teacher was like考试用书

  how long you studied this subject

  and explain why you thought it was interesting.

  1. What are some differences between what people study in university and what they study in (high) school?

  2. What are some differences between the way people study in university and the way they study in (high) school?
