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来源:中华考试网   2012-05-29   【
1. In general, what are some of the reasons why changes occur to cities?

  2. What effects do (or can) changes to a city have on people's lives?

  3. Are these changes always beneficial to everyone?

  4. Who benefits most (and who benefits least) from these changes?

  5. Do you think the traditions in your country (or culture) are changing (or, have changed)?

  6. Do you think traditions should be preserved, unchanged, or is there some value in changing traditions?

  7. What do you think is the value of traditions?

  8. Do you think old people think about traditions (or, value traditions) more than young people do?

  9. How will you teach your (cultural) traditions to your children?

  Describe a type of music that is popular in your country.

  You should say:

  what type of music it is自www.Examw.com

  where people listen to (or, can hear) it

  on what occasions people hear this music

  what types of people usually like this type of music *

  1. What is the importance of music in people's lives?

  2. Do you think that music adds something to people's lives?

  3. What's your favorite style of music?


  5. What do you suggest the government (or the music industry) could (or, should) do about this problem?

  6. Would you like to work in the music industry?

  7. Many young people go through a stage when they dream of being a being a pop singer or a musician. Why do you think they have this dream (or, this ambition or, this fantasy)?

  8. Do you think it's reasonable to say that since you love music, you would like to make it your profession?

  Describe a long journey that you have been on.

  You should say:

  where you went

  how you went therewww.ExamW.CoM

  who was with you

  and explain why you made this journey.
