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来源:中华考试网   2012-05-29   【
1. What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling with a friend?

  2. What's the difference between young people and old people when they travel (long distance)?

  3. What are the pros and cons (or, the good points and the bad points) of long-distance traveling?

  4. What are some differences between (long distance) travel for old(er) people and for young people?

  5. What do (you think) children enjoy most when they go on a long trip?

  Describe a film you have recently seen.

  You should say:

  where you saw it

  what the film was about

  who you saw it with

  what you liked or disliked about this film.

  and explain why you chose to watch this particular film.

  1 What kinds of films are most popular in your country?

  2 What kinds of films do young people like to watch?

  3 What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?

  4 Do you prefer to watch Chinese-made films or foreign films?

  5 How could we judge the success of an "educational film", that is, a film that was not made simply in order to make money?

  6 Do you think we will continue to have cinemas in the future?

  7 What do you think would be the result if everyone watched films on DVD?

  Describe a (the) job you want to do in the future.

  You should say:中华考试网(www.Examw。com)

  what the job is

  what training you will need for this job

  where you would like to work

  and explain why you have chosen ( or, chose) to do this job in the future.

  1 Is it difficult for people to get a job in China?

  2 What's the most difficult part about finding a job?

  3 How do people find (or, get) a job in your country?

  4 very important in careers such as advertising and sales?

  5 How do schools (in your country) prepare students for working life?

  6 What do you think schools should (or, could) do to prepare students for the working life?

  7 After a student finishes high school, which do you think is more important, to go straight to a university, or to get some experience working?

  Describe a useful practical skill that you learned.

  You should say:中华考试

  why you learned this skill

  how (and when) you learned it

  how difficult it was to learn

  and explain how this skill is useful to you.
