当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思机经 >> 口语机经 >> 2012年5月19日雅思口语机经及解析


来源:中华考试网   2012-05-29   【
You should say:

  When you attended this lesson

  Where you attended this lesson

  What you learned

  And explain how you learned it.

  Describe an important letter you wrote.

  You should say

  Who you wrote to

  When you wrote it

  What you wrote

  And explain why you wrote that letter.

  Describe a TV programme.

  You should say:

  the name of the program

  what type of program it is

  what contents it has

  and explain what you learn from this program.

  Describe a photograph

  You should say:

  who took the photo

  when it was taken

  where it was taken

  and explain why you like it.

  Describe something you want to buy.

  You should say:

  What it is

  How much it costs

  How you plan to save for it

  And explain why you want to buy this.

  Describe an occasion that you should be polite.

  You should say

  When it was

  Where it was

  Why you must be polite

  And how to be polite

  Describe an area of your hometown that has recently changed.

  You should say:

  what part of your hometown has changed

  what it used to be like

  what changes have been (or, were) made

  what caused this change

  and explain how you feel about these changes.
