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来源:考试网   2013-05-30【

  1. It can be concluded from the passage that the British moustache _______.

  (A) has been well documented in the history of the British Empire

  (B) has long been considered significant in the formation and expansion of the British Empire

  (C) has often been ridiculed in the colonial history of the United Kingdom

  (D) has long been ignored and considered insignificant in the making of the British Empire

  2. The word "virility" in the sentence "that colonial moustaches had a clear practical purpose: to demonstrate virility and intimidate the Empire's subject peoples" (para. 2) can best be interpreted as _______.

  (A) bravery (B) masculinity

  (C) maturity (D) puberty

  3. According to the passage, the Crimean War which witnessed the development of different patterns of the British moustache was fought ________.

  (A) in the early 19th century (B) in the 18th century

  (C) in the middle of the 19th century (D) in the late 18th century

  4. It can be inferred from the passage that from the 1950s to the 1960s, the three statesmen held the post of British Prime Minister by the order of _______.

  (A) Harold Wilson, Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan

  (B) Anthony Eden, Harold Wilson and Harold Macmillan

  (C) Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan and Harold Wilson

  (D) Harold Macmillan, Anthony Eden and Harold Wilson

  5. Which of the following CANNOT be true according to the passage?

  (A) Dr Brendon points out that colonial moustaches are the deciding factor which led to the downfall of the British Empire.

  (B) Dr Brendon has made it clear that the history of colonial moustaches reflects from one angle the decline of the British Empire.

  (C) Dr Brendon has tried to restore the role of colonial moustaches in the history of the British Empire.

  (D) Dr Brendon has made a detailed study of the rise and decline of the British moustache in the past centuries.


  1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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