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来源:考试网   2013-07-16【


  Those children who have impaired eyesight or hearing or are mentally retarded can also go to special school.


  There are 182,600 full-time teachers altogether, to whom professional appointment system is applied. It is stipulated by the state that the teachers in kindergarten, primary school and junior high school must hold diplomas of secondary normal school, junior college and university respectively.

  上海建志于1291年,有700年的历史。面积6430平方公里,有14个区,6个县。人口1600万,其中999万在市区。 !

  Founded in 1291, Shanghai has a history of 700 years. With an area of 6430 square kilometers, it has 14 districts, 6 counties. It has a population of 16 million, among which 9 million 9 hundred and ninety people are living in urban area proper.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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