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来源:考试网   2013-07-16【


  With the purpose of engaging an active participation, broadening common ground and mutual trust and strengthening further cooperation, we are coming here to discuss the objective and guideline of our development in the future. China has attached a great importance to the development of the relationship between our two countries and we will in full support of your positive role in international affairs.


  Shanghai is one of the largest seaports in the world and it is also China's major industrial, commercial, financial center. With its deepening economic reforms, Shanghai is playing a leading role in boosting the economy development in Yangtze River Valley.


   EIn the latter half of the 20th century, Chinese people have raised their level of cultural and material life significantly. China started to march forward to prosperity. Today Chinese people are confidently taking a road to the future, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics pioneered by comrade Den Xiaoping.


  In each state of Australia, there are two kinds of schools. They are governmental schools and non-governmental schools. Two-thirds Australian children will go to governmental schools because their tuition fees are free. Three-fourth non-governmental schools are Catholics and usually they charge fees. Since 1989, Australia government has set up a system that undergraduates and post-undergraduates should make a financial contribution to the cost of study. Children aged from 6 to 15 should receive compulsory education.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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