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翻译考试双语:生卒年月体微博走红, 网友戏侃“末日”_第2页

来源:考试网   2012-12-15【

"Few people believe the world will end, but we can take advantage of it to spend time with our loved ones," said a Wuhan IT firm CEO surnamed Du, who considers "doomsday" a chance for revelry.

However, others are taking the prophecy more seriously.

Panic buying of candles has swept two counties in Sichuan Province, while a man named Lu Zhenghai in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region spent his life savings to build an ark for 20 people in order to survive flooding on the day.

People across the country have been scammed, with swindlers encouraging them to buy good-luck tokens at sky-high prices or to give away their savings.

Shanghai police issued a public warning on Weibo.com after handling 25 cases relating to the apocalypse within 24 hours. They said: "The end of the world is pure rumor, do not believe it."

As the paranoia intensifies, institutions including the Beijing Planetarium and the Astronomical Society of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have used the media to try to scotch the rumor, sending the message: "December 21 is a normal day."

Xia Xueluan, professor of sociology at Peking University, said: "We've lived through several so-called doomsdays in the past decade ... people take satisfaction in talking about them."

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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