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来源:考试网   2020-12-11【

  12月4日,《咬文嚼字》编辑部发布了2020年十 大流行语,分别是:“人民至上,生命至上”、“逆行者”、“飒”、“后浪”、“神兽”、“直播带货”、“双循环”、“打工人”、“内卷”、“凡尔赛文学”。

  今天我们就来看看2020年上榜的十 大流行语用英语怎么说?

  党在任何时候都把群众利益放在第一位,为保护人民生命安全和身体健康可以不惜一切代价Partyputs the people's interests in the first placeunder any circumstances and is willing to protect the people's life and health at all costs.

  在重大疫情面前,我们一开始就鲜明提出把人民生命安全和身体健康放在第一位。Since the very beginning of the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Party has upheld the principle ofputting the people's lives and health as the top priority.


  一百多支医疗队、两万多名医护人员从全国各地向湖北重灾区集结,被誉为当代“最美逆行者”。Hailed asheroes in harm's way, over 20,000 healthcare workers in 100 plus medical teams converged in Hubei, the hardest hit province, from across the nation to support epidemic control.

  1. Smartly除了表示迅猛有力,这个词还可以指时髦的,风度翩翩的。例:She steps smartly across the street.她潇洒地穿过街道。

  2. Dashing形容十分自信有气派,还可以这样说。例:She looked very dashing in a black jacket.她穿黑色夹克很帅气。

  3. In high spirits兴高采烈、十分起劲地,英文还可以用上这个表达。例:Ellen's been in high spirits ever since she found out she got the lead in the school play.听说自己要在校园剧里做主角,艾伦就劲头十足。

  4. Drop-dead gorgeous极其动人的,形容帅呆了还可以这样说。例:Perry's girlfriend is drop-dead gorgeous.派瑞的女友太美了。

  “后浪”如果是直译,这个词应翻译为rear waves。但显然,这种直译方式只有中国人能够理解,老外是很难将“后浪”和“年轻一代”联系起来的。因此,英语中关于“年轻一代”的更准确的说法,可以用younger generation,young people,youngsters来描述。


  Mythical Animals,本指中国古代民间神话传说中的动物。Kindergarten, primary and secondary schools are expected to welcome students in staggered time slots from Aug 15 to Oct 10, while universities are allowing students to return on different schedules from late August to early October.


  【单词讲解】这里的staggered是形容词,表示“错开的”,比如疫情意见,很多公司实行staggered working hours(错峰上下班)政策,也就是不同部门的员工上下班以及午休的时间各不相同,以避免同一时间段内人群在同一个场所聚集。Staggered schedule也是类似的意思,不同年级的学生开学报到的时间不同,由此也可以避免校园里学生大量聚集。




  A regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications is being drafted in China as a move to improve the cultural taste of online content and keep the development of the industry in order, the Cyberspace Administration said on its official website Tuesday.中国国家互联网信息办公室8月4日在官方网站表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范,提升直播平台文化品位,规范行业发展。

  【单词讲解】现在很火的网络直播的英文表达就是livestreaming,主播就是livestreaming host,直播带货就是sell products through livestreaming platforms,而限时秒杀的表达则是time-limited sec-killing。


  我们将科学把握新发展阶段,坚定贯彻新发展理念,积极构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。Based on a scientific analysis of the new stage of China’s development, we will stay committed to the new development philosophy, and actively foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay anddomestic and international circulationsreinforcing each other.



  Dagong ren(laborer, commuter) is a general term for workers who engage in physical labor or are technically skilled. With making money as their first and only goal, laborers are a resolute group, and would never be caught arriving late to work or leaving early.



  There are two exceptionally dazzling lights in this world. One is sunshine, and the other is the face of a diligent laborer!




  “凡尔赛文学”与“humblebrag(谦虚自夸)”意思相近,这个单词表示“make an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement with the actual intention of drawing attention to something of which one is proud(表面上谦虚自嘲,实际上是为了炫耀某人引以为豪的事情)”。

  例句:他“凡学”附体,在抱怨自己环游世界有多累。He's humblebragging about how tired he is from his world travels.



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