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考试网 [ 2010年8月23日 ] 【


'Oh! here we are the same as anywhere else, when you get to know us,' observed Mrs. Dean, somewhat puzzled at my speech.

“啊 ! 当你了解我们后,你就知道我们和其他地方的人没有什么区别。”迪恩太太说道,看起来对我的话感到迷惑。

'Excuse me,' I responded; 'you, my good friend, are a striking evidence against that assertion. Excepting a few provincialisms of slight consequence, you have no marks of the manners which I am habituated to consider as peculiar to your class. I am sure you have thought a great deal more than the generality of servants think. You have been compelled to cultivate your reflective faculties for want of occasions for frittering your life away in silly trifles.'

“抱歉,”我回答道,“我的好朋友,你是对抗这种说法的鲜活例子。除了说话略带口音之外,你身上没有那些我习惯把人归到你这个阶层的特点。我想,比起普通的仆人而言,你肯定要有想法多了。你一直努力培养自己的思考能力,为了不一辈子为这些烦人的琐事而活。 ”

Mrs. Dean laughed.


'I certainly esteem myself a steady, reasonable kind of body,' she said; 'not exactly from living among the hills and seeing one set of faces, and one series of actions, from year's end to year's end; but I have undergone sharp discipline, which has taught me wisdom; and then, I have read more than you would fancy, Mr. Lockwood. You could not open a book in this library that I have not looked into, and got something out of also: unless it be that range of Greek and Latin, and that of French; and those I know one from another: it is as much as you can expect of a poor man's daughter. However, if I am to follow my story in true gossip's fashion, I had better go on; and instead of leaping three years, I will be content to pass to the next summer - the summer of 1778, that is nearly twenty-three years ago.'

“我当然认为我自己是一个稳重,有理性的人,”她说道,“并不完全是为住在这山里,看着同样的脸,同样的事,一年又一年,而我经过非常严格的训练,这赋予了智慧。洛克伍德先生,你想不出来我读了多少书。在这书房里,你找不到一本我没有翻过的书,也不可能翻出来什么我没有见过的东西,除非是希腊文和拉丁文的东西,还又法文的东西;其他的我一本本的都看过了,你想象不到一个穷人的女儿会这么多。好了,如果我要继续用闲聊的方式讲这个故事的话,我看我的赶紧开始了。不从三年后开始,我觉得从第二年的夏天开始好了。那是 1778 年的夏天,大概 23 年以前的事情了。”

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