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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年10月20日 ]

  Mr Hunt always gets up early in the morning and does morning (1) _____ (exercise). He thinks (2)_____ (him) is healthy and never goes to see (3) ______ doctor. (4) ______ this week Mr Hunt looks (5) ______ (worry). Because last Friday morning when (6) ______ (walk) near the garden he (7) ______ (sudden) fell to the ground. There (8)_______ nobody around him. So he stood up and went back slowly. He was afraid that something was wrong with him. This morning Mr Hunt came to the hospital. He (9) ______ (tell) the doctor what happened to him. (10)_______ young doctor looked him over carefully and then said, “I’m so sorry to tell you, Mr Hunt. You must give up coffee if you want to be healthy.”


  1. a 2. The 3. myself 4. first 5. looks

  6. of 7. interesting 8. but 9. an 10. photos

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