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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年10月19日 ]

  There was a little cat. He spent much time eating and sleeping. He ate once (1) ______ day, and then went to bed and slept. When he slept, his snoring (鼾声) sound (2) ______ very loud. He hardly took exercises, (3) ______ he was very heavy. Other (4) ______ (animal) were angry at the cat, (5) ______ they couldn’t sleep well at night. One day, a big cat (6) ______ (plan) to teach the little cat a lesson. He asked a few animals to help (7) ______ (he). They wanted to catch the little cat and beat (打) him. Because (8) ______ cat never exercised, he was too heavy to move. When other animals ran after him, he couldn’t run (9) _______ (quick). He knew it’s (10) _________ (importance) to do exercises when he was caugh.


  1. a 2. was 3. so 4. animals 5. because

  6. planned 7. him 8. the 9. quickly 10. important

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