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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2021年1月13日 ]

  There is a nice family living in Valladolid, a beautiful city in Spain. ______father, Jose Garcia,is a tall and friendly man. He______( work )in a famous company. He married Teresa,a______(beauty) woman,______dark eyes and light hair. She is a______(teach) of a primary school. Jose and Teresa have three(child) : Susan, Rebecca and Juan.The______(old) ,Susan, is 24 years old. She's a doctor and busy with her work every day.She______(usual) goes to work at 8 a.m. and comes home after 7p.m. Rebecca, a beautiful girl with big dark eyes, is 19 years old and______(study) Chinese in the Canary Islands. Juan,a naughty 11-year-oldboy, dreams of a great football player. They are a happy family.

  [答案] The; works; beautiful; with; teacher; children; eldest; usually; studies;becoming

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