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中华考试网   2012-08-28   【


  1.suggestion for child who is going to start school
  What suggestions would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these suggestions are important.
  Well, personally, I will suggest that child to work hard and play hard. Working hard means concentrate on his or her school works. To learn something in school should be in priority for a child attending school. And playing hard means that he or she should have fun in daily life as well. It is too tough to ask a kid to study all day long. And going outside to play some games may be helpful to that child mentally. Moreover, relaxation is necessary for children to study well. That is why I highly suggest that a child who is starting school for the first time to work hard and play hard.
  My answer :
  --Cultivate independence; go to school and come back home by oneself and with classmates;
  --form good habits, like watch fewer TV and read more book/
  2 prefer to by food which is already prepared or by fresh food to cook yourself
  Do you prefer to eat prepared food or unprepared food and meat?
  My answer:
  Prepared food:
  --save time, I’m busy and cook food cost too much of my time, but eating food just take a few minutes, which make my feel it is not worthwhile to cook food by myself.
  --I can choose various food in the supermarket. If I buy unprepared food, I can just choose limited sorts.
  *** -- I am not good at cooking and I feel it really hard to cook delicious food.
  I cannot stand the noisy and smell in the kitchen.
  Sometimes when my friends come over, they will cook for me and I play a role as an assistant.
  3.学生写信建议让学生带laptop computer说因为大家打字都很快了,所以方便记笔记,这样就更能够好好的听教授的lectures.其次,教授可以让学生上网,浏览更多的信息像图片什么的。
  学生意见:不同意。1.有少部分会用电脑记笔记,但大部分都用来play for fun, check email, surf internet什么的了。2.有部分学生是没有电脑的。因此教授只能直到有电脑的学生用Internet tool
  Reading : a proposal for permission of using laptop computer on class.
  --make students to make notes and pay more attention on professor and the lecture.
  --professors can use computers and website to direct students, so that students can have a better understanding of the content.
  --(1) students will use computers to emails to their friends, play computer games instead of taking notes;
  --(2) not everyone have laptop computer, so the professor can only direct part of students





