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来源:华课网校   2019-05-08【

  Passage 3

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage :

  Summers with father were always enjoyable. Swimming , hiking , boating , fishing—the days were not long enough to contain all of our activities. There never seemed to be enough time to go to church, which disturbed some friends and relations. Accused of neglecting this part of our education, my father instituted a summer school for my brother and me . However, his summer course included ancient history, which Papa felt our schools neglected ,and navigation, in which we first had a formal examination in the dining room, part of which consisted of tying several knots in a given time limit. Then we were each separately sent on what was grandly referred to as a cruise in my father’s 18-foot knockabout, spending the night on board, and loaded down, according to my mother, with enough food for a week. I remember that on my cruise I was required to formally plot our course, using the tide table, even though our goal was an island I could see quite clearly across the water in the distance.

  43. What was the original reasons for holding the summer school?

  A. Friends and relatives thought the children should learn religion

  B The father wanted the children to learn more about religion

  C. The children got poor grades in their regular school

  D. The regular school teachers neglected the children

  44 The purpose of the cruise mentioned in the passage was to ________.

  A. have fun B. reward the author for completing summer school

  C. test the author’s sailing ability D. get to the island

  45. Why did the author have to plot the course of her cruise ?

  A. She had to demonstrate her ability to do so. B. The coast was dangerous.

  C She was afraid of getting lost. D. The tides were strong

  46. How long did the author’s cruise last?

  A. all summer B. overnight

  C. a week D. one day, morning till night

  47 Apparently a knockabout is _______.

  A. an island B a boat C a cruise D a seaman’s knot

  Passage 4

  Questions 48 to 52 are based on the following passage:

  The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has , at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon . Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945 , government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.

  The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.

  48. What is the main topic of the passage?

  A. Food and our health B Food and additives

  C. Food and cancer D Food and culture

  49 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT_______.

  A Forty percent of cancer is caused by problems related to food.

  B Researchers have known about the potential danger of food additives for many years

  C. We eat some of the food additives directly and some indirectly

  D Drugs are always given to animals for medicinal purposes

  50. Why do farmers give drugs to their animals?

  A. to speed up the growth of animals

  B To make the animals fatter

  C to make the animals’ meat fit to eat

  D To make the animals’ meat rich in nutrients

  51. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

  A scientist have made all the food fit to eat

  B only in recent years have people found that the food is related to one’s illness

  C all kinds of cancer are related to the diet

  D some additives are harmful to our health

  52. The word “ this” in the second sentence of paragraph 2 most probably refers to __________.

  A farmer

  B penicillin

  C beef and poultry

  D the fact that farmers often give penicillin to a beef

责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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