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来源:考试网   2016-08-29   【

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  41.The British Library____ the right to a free copy of every new book published in the United Kingdom.?

  A) contains B) retires?C) retains D) conveys?

  42.The secretary____ the foreign minister____ an interview he was to give that afternoon.?

  A) reminded … of ?B) reassured…about ?C) consulted…about ?D) questioned…to?

  43. The way other people behave towards us influences how we____ ourselves.?

  A) conceive of B) consist of?C) confront with D) conform to?

  44. I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be and, they ____ it____.?

  A) work…over B) bear…out?C) live…out D) get… over?

  45.With the economy of the cet6w.com, the____ mood is one of optimism .?

  A) presiding B) circulating ?C) floating D) prevailing?

  46. These technological advances in communication have____ the way people do business.?

  A) revolted B) represented ?C) adopted D) transformed?

  47. The workers of the textile mill ____ that trade union leaders be elected from the workshops . ?

  A) urged B) related ?C) combated D) adapted?

  48. It is a____ of our company to give refunds if goods are faulty.?

  A) policy B) discipline ?C) decision D) determination?

  49. ____ friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France .?

  A) Efficient B) Influential ?C) Impressive D) Effective ?

  50.Their ambitious schemes for making money quickly____.?

  A) took a chance ?B) came to nothing ?C) went into action ?D) got to the point?

  51.She knew who wrote the letter, so without opening it she tore it into pieces____?

  A) in excitement ?B) in disappointment ?C) in disgust ?D) in expectation?

  52.He had always been ____the way Ruth looked, and had never once paid her a compliment .?

  A) oblivious to B) guilty of ?C) wary of D) subject to?

  53.Familarity with a wide range of idiomatic expressions, and the ability to use them appropriately____ are among the distinguishing marks of command of English like a native.?

  A) in context B) in practice ?C) in place D) in case?

  54.We are still____ things here, but I can’t guarantee the situation will stay that way.?

  A) in memory of ?B) in search of ?C) in control of ?D) in need of?

  55.Democratic government is a phrase that is notoriously hard to____.?

  A) credit B) defy ?C) modify D) define?

  56.Bill is rich. His house is full of ____ such as expensive high-tech video systems and all the latest computer equipment.?

  A) luxuries B) festivities ?C) dimensions D) instruments?

  57.She is quite capable, but the problem is that she is not____.?

  A) consistent B) insistent ?C) beneficent D) resistant?

  58.Based on the____ that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a market improvement in the efficiency of China’s economy.?

  A) guidance B) instruction ?C . premise D) eminence?

  59.Nurses should do all they can to make their patients feel ____.?

  A .on board B) at ease ?C) at leisure D) at heart?

  60.The accused was ____to have been the leader of the plot to overthrow the government?

  A) reconciled B) blended ?C) alleged D) referred?

  61. She ____the letter, put it in the envelope and handed it to her father.?

  A) folded B) wrapped ?C) rolled D) slided?

  62. In the last century, new drugs have ____ improved health throughout the world.?

  A) inconsistently B) supposedly ?C) notedly D) markedly ?

  63. Now a paper argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ____ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.?

  A) configuration ?B) constitution ?C) condemnation ?D) contamination?

  64. When he went to the airport for the ticket, Tom suddenly realized that his passport had ____ for half a year.?

  A) abolished B) expired ?C) amended D) constrained?

  65. Since the information was easily____, we found it immediately.?

  A) acceptable B) accessory ?C) accessible D) possible?

  66.There is no known cure for SARS, but doctors are developing ways to help sufferers ____ it.?

  A) retard B) eliminate ?C) dispense D) handle?

  67. She was____ her brains to remember the man’s time, but her bad memory failed her.?

  A) hitting B) beating ?C) racking D) exhausting ?

  68. Many apartments have doors with a security window so that one may____ outside and observe visitors without being seen.?

  A) peer B) peek ?C) peel D) pile?

  69. French cars are more elegantly styled than their British ____.?

  A) counterparts B) equals ?C) ones D) copies?

  70. After failing his driving test four times, he finally____ trying to pass.?

  A) gave up B) gave away ?C) gave off D) gave in

  41. contain是及物动词,意思是“包括,包含”;retire是不及物动词,意思是“撤退,退休”;retain是及物动词,意思是“保持,保留,留有”;convey是不及物动词,意思是“传达,传递”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知只有retain才能与right搭配。故本题的正确答案选C。?

  42. remind of的意思是“提醒某人某事”;reassure about的意思是“使确信”;consult about的意思是“咨询某事”;question to没有这个结构。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?

  43. conceive of的意思是“认为,以为,想象”;consist of的意思是“包括,包含”;confront with的意思是“使某人面对”;conform to的意思是“遵守,遵从,与…相一致”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?

  44. work...over的意思是“彻底查”;bear...out的意思是“证明…,证实”;live...out的意思是“活过…,度过…,熬过;不在工作处住,通勤”;get...over的意思是“爬过,越过;克服,超越;淡忘,恢复;知道相信”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  45. preside的意思是“主宰,主理”;circulate的意思是“循环,周流”;float的意思是“漂浮”;prevail的意思是“遍布,普遍,到处”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?

  46. revolted是不及物动词,意思是“反叛,造反,反抗”;represent是及物动词,意思是“代表”;adopt是及物动词,意思是“采用,采纳”;transform是及物动词,意思是“改变,改动,更改”。根据我们的常识判断,我们也知道只有transform才能与way搭配。故本题的正确答案选D。?

  47. urge是及物动词,意思是“要求”;relate是及物动词,意思是“把…与…相关”;combat是及物动词,意思是“向…宣战”;adapt是及物动词,意思是“改变”。在这四个选项中,只有urge后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词能用动词原形来表示虚拟语气。故本题的正确答案选A。?

  48. policy的意思是“政策”,是一个比较正式的单词,一般指的是国家的政策;discipline的意思是“规矩,要求”,一般指某一机构的要求和策略;decision的意思是“决定,决心”,一般指会议的决定;determination的意思是“坚决,决心”。结合整句话的意思,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  49. Efficient的意思是“效率高的”;Influential的意思是“有影响的,有影响力的”;Impressive的意思是“印象深的”;Effective的意思是“有效的”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  50. took a chance的意思是“抓住机会”;came to nothing的意思是“化为泡影”;went into action的意思是“开始行动”;got to the point的意思是“适当地,得要领地”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  51. in excitement的意思是“激动地”,这在意思上与整个句子的意思不一致;in disappointment的意思是“失望地”,与整句话的意思相一致;in disgust的意思是“憎恨地”,与选项B相比在意思上不够合适;in expectation的意思是“期望地”,在感情色彩上与整个句子不合拍。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  52. oblivious to的意思是“对…不注意”;guilty of的意思是“对…有负罪感”;wary of的意思是“小心的,机警的,慎重的”;subject to的意思是“屈服于”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?

  53. in context的意思是“在上下文中”;in practice的意思是“在实践中”;in place的意思是“代替”;in case的意思是“万一”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  54. in memory of的意思是“为纪念…”;in search of的意思是“寻找,寻求,试图发现”;in control of的意思是“管理,掌握”;in need of的意思是“需要”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?

  55. credit的意思是“信赖,相信”;defy的意思是“辩驳,驳倒”;modify的意思是“修饰,修改”;define的意思是“给…下定义”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。

  56. luxury的意思是“豪华,奢侈品”;festivity的意思是“欢庆气氛,庆祝活动”;dimension的意思是“尺寸,大小,容积”;instrument的意思是“仪器,设备”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?

  57. consistent的意思是“前后一致的,符合”;insistent的意思是“极力主张的,坚持要的,引人注目的”;beneficent的意思是“有同情心的,亲切的”;resistant的意思是“抵制的”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是A。?

  58. guidance的意思是“指导,引导,率领;学生指导,辅导”;instruction的意思是“讲授,教育,指导;命令,指示”;premise的意思是“前提,根据”;eminence的意思是“著名,名声,显赫”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是C。?

  59. on board的意思是“在船上,在飞机上”;at ease的意思是“放松,稍息”;at leisure的意思是“空闲的,有空的”;at heart的意思是“在心底,实际上”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  60. reconcile的意思是“使和好,调停”;blend的意思是“混合,调和”;allege的意思是“宣称,指控”;refer的意思是“指,参考”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是C。

  61. fold是及物动词,意思是“折叠”;wrap是及物动词,意思是“把…用…包起来”;roll是及物动词,意思是“滚动,转动,把…搓成卷”;slide是不及物动词,意思是“顺着…滑动”。fold the letter是常用短语,意思是“把信折起来”。况且,根据我们的常识判断,我们也会知道是“把信折起来”。故本题的正确答案选A。?

  62. inconsistently的意思是“矛盾地,不协调地”;supposedly的意思是“原则上,想象上,恐怕,大概”;notedly的意思是“著名地”;markedly的意思是“显著地,明显地”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?

  63. condemnation的意思是“谴责”;configuration的意思是“构造,结构,外形”;constitution的意思是“建立,设立,制定,任命”;contamination的意思是“污染,污染物”。结合整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?

  64. expire的意思是“(一段时间)终止,到期”;abolish的意思是“废止,废除,革除(战争,奴役,旧习俗)”;amend的意思是“改善,改良,改正”;constrain的意思是“强迫,勉强(某人)做某事,(良心、内在力量)驱使”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是B。?

  65. acceptable的意思是“可以接受的”;accessory是名词,其意思是“附件,附属品”;accessible的意思是“可以接近的,可进入的,可用的,可参观的”;possible的意思是“可能的”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是C。?

  66. retard的意思是“阻止,妨碍”;eradicate的意思是“根除,削减”;dispense的意思是“分配,分发,分给”;handle的意思是“处理,对付”。根据整句话的意思和搭配判断,我们可知本题的正确答案是D。?

  67. hit是及物动词,意思是“击,打”;beat是及物动词,意思是“打,战胜”;rack是及物动词,意思是“过度剥削”;exhaust是及物动词,意思是“使筋疲力尽”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知只有rack才能与brains一起构成固定搭配rack one’ s brains。故本题的正确答案选C。 ?

  68. peer是不及物动词,意思是“凝视,注视”;peek是不及物动词,意思是“偷看,窥视”;peel是及物动词,意思是“削皮”;pile是及物动词,意思是“堆积”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知本题的正确答案选B。

  69. counterpart的意思是“互相对应的人和物,配对物”;equal的意思是“同等的人”;one是代词,意思是“一个”;copy的意思是“复制品”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知本题的正确答案选A。?

  70. gave up的意思是“放弃”;gave away的意思是“送掉,赠送”;gave off意思是“发出,释放出”;gave in意思是“屈服”。结合整句话的意思和结构,我们可知本题的正确答案选A。
