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来源:考试网   2021-12-22【

  There's nothing more exciting than receiving a job offer. But that excitement is often mixed with anxiety and apprehension. What if you make the wrong decision? To ease your nerves and make the decision process less emotional, use an objective assessment to evaluate what's important to you in a job. That will ensure you make the best decision for your career and happiness.

  没有什么比收到录用通知更令人兴奋的事了,但伴随着这种兴奋之情的往往是焦虑、忧思。如果做错决定了怎么办?为了减轻紧张情绪、使决策过程不那么情绪化,请客观评估工作中的轻重缓急,这或能帮助您做出有关职业和幸福的最 佳决策。

  Before you even start applying for new jobs, list what you are looking for. It's OK if money is on the top of your list, but don't stop there. Here are more categories and criteria you'll want to consider:



  The Company


  Number of employees; financial status; leadership style; policies, processes and procedures that establish how it functions; how it holds true to its mission and vision.


  The Job


  Job duties and how much you would enjoy them; how you would spend your day; how many meetings or events you would be expected to attend; the reporting relationships of the job; how your boss would measure success.


  Career Potential


  If you haven't given much thought about your future, imagine where you want to be three to five years from now and how your next job can help you get there. Is there an opportunity for advancement and does the company offer tuition reimbursement?


  Research examples of employees who have been successful attaining promotions and support for additional education. While company leaders may say they promote from within, there may not be enough roles for you to move up and into.


  Working Hours and Flexibility


  What are the real hours your potential colleagues work versus the published start and end times? Would you be required to be on call or work overtime? Does the company allow employees to work remotely or offer flexibility in the work schedule?


  Total Compensation


  Evaluate the benefits, such as: quality and cost of health insurance, number of days for vacation and sick leave, availability of retirement plans, life and disability insurance.


  Don't forget to think about commuting time, whether you'd have to relocate, the costs of parking and child care and other perks and expenses.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题


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