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来源:考试网   2021-04-29【

  What is the term for a space rock that enters Earth's atmosphere and hits the ground? Meteor, meteoroid, meteorite, or meteoroid? Meteoroids become meteors when they enter our atmosphere and meteorites when they hit the ground.

  Just like meteoroids are relatively small rocks that are zipping around in space, asteroids are bigger ones and two of those have been in the news recently. The first one passed very close by Earth on August 16th. It was about the size of a car and scientists say it probably wouldn't have hurt anyone if it had entered our atmosphere. But NASA missed it. The agency didn't pick up on the asteroid until after it had whizzed by less than 2,000 miles away. And researchers say that makes it the closest asteroid ever known to pass by Earth and not hit it.

  NASA didn't miss another asteroid that's headed our way. This one's about six and a half feet in diameter and should zip by on November 2nd. Scientists say the chance of this rock hitting Earth is about 4/10 of 1%. They don't expect it to have a major impact or to disrupt the U.S. election the next day.



  流星体是在太空中快 移动的相对较小的岩石,而小行星是更大一些的岩石,其中两颗小行星近日出现在新闻中。第一颗小行星在8月16日与地球擦肩而过。其大小与小汽车差不多,科学家表示,即使其进入地球大气层,可能也不会造成任何伤害。但美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)未观测到这颗小行星。该机构直到小行星飞到距地球2000多英里处时才发现它。研究人员表示,这是目前已知距离地球最近但并未发生撞击的小行星。



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