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来源:考试网   2020-04-20【

  1. 切实做到法无授权不可为anything the law does not authorize is not done

  2. 法定职责必须为all duties and functions assigned by law are performed

  3. 地方政府对应当放给市场和社会的权力,要彻底放、不截留local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society

  4. 对上级下放的审批事项,要接得住、管得好properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments

  5. 加强事中事后监管we will exercise stronger oversight both during and after the handling of matters

  6. 推进社会信用体系建设work to improve the credit rating system

  7. 大道至简,有权不可任性it goes without saying that powers should not be held without good reason

  8. 给企业松绑,为创业提供便利create an enabling environment for enterprises, making it easier to start up in business

  9. 用政府权力的“减法”,换取市场活力的“乘法”cuts to government power will be made to boost market vitality

  10. 多管齐下take multiple measures to

  11. 不失时机take timely action to

  12. 具备竞争条件的商品和服务goods and services that can viably compete in markets

  13. 扩大输配电价改革试点we will expand the trials of pricing reforms for electricity transmission and distribution

  14. 除法定涉密信息外with the exception of cases where classified information is involved

  1. 制定盘活财政存量资金的有效办法we will design effective measures to make good use of government funds at hand

  2. 扩大资源税从价计征范围extend price-based resource taxes to cover more types of resources

  3. 开展个人投资者境外投资试点pilot private overseas investment

  4. 实施股票发行注册制改革implement the reform to introduce a system of registration for issuing stocks

  5. 巨灾保险launch insurance to cover major disasters

  1. 创新金融监管explore new approaches to financial regulation

  2. 让所有市场主体都能分享金融服务的雨露甘霖ensure equitable access to financial services for all market entities

  3. 多渠道解决企业办社会负担和历史遗留问题we will work, through multiple channels, to relieve SOEs of their obligation to operate social programs and help them solve longstanding problems

  4. 改革和健全企业经营者激励约束机制incentive and restraint mechanisms for their executives are reformed and strengthened

  5. 注重发挥企业家才能work to enable entrepreneurs to give full expression to their talent

  6. 我们要努力交出一份为发展加力、让人民受益的改革答卷we must work hard to make sure that reform boosts development and benefits our people

  1. 全面推行普遍备案、有限核准的管理制度we will introduce, across the board, the management system under which foreign investment projects generally need only to be placed on record, with government review required in only a limited number of cases

  2. 积极探索准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式work actively to explore the management model of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list

  3. 实行以备案制为主的对外投资管理方式outbound investment will be mainly managed on a record-keeping basis

  4. 扩大出口信用保险规模,对大型成套设备出口融资应保尽保we will scale up export credit insurance to provide export financing insurance for all insurable complete sets of large equipment

  5. 让中国企业走得出、走得稳,在国际竞争中强筋健骨、发展壮大these steps will enable Chinese companies to go global and go steadily, emerging stronger in international competition

  6. 加快互联互通、大通关和国际物流大通道建设strengthen infrastructure connectivity with China's neighbors, simplify customs clearance procedures, and build international logistics gateways

  7. 在全国推广成熟经验,形成各具特色的改革开放高地extend good practices developed in these zones to the rest of the country so that such zones become leading reform and opening up areas, each with its own distinctive features

  8. 中国是负责任、敢担当的国家,我们愿做互利共赢发展理念的践行者、全球经济体系的建设者、经济全球化的推动者as a responsible and enterprising nation, China champions the vision of promoting mutually beneficial development, boosting the global economy, and encouraging economic globalization

  9. 行稳致远maintain sustainable economic growth

  10. 控制“三公”消费curb spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality

  11. 促进养老家政健康消费promote consumption in elderly care, domestic services, and health services

  12. 扩大教育文化体育消费encourage people to spend more on education, culture, and sports


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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