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来源:考试网   2016-09-19【

  社会治安综合治理to maintain law and order by taking comprehensive measures

  超期羁押detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits

  盲目投资haphazard investment

  低水平重复建设low-level, redundant construction

  主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work

  增强忧患意识和历史责任感to become more aware of potential problems and enhance our senseof historical responsibility

  知难而进to forge ahead in spite of difficulties

  精神状态mental outlook

  科学发展观the scientific viewpoint of development

  中央预算内经常性建设投资the investment from the central budget for regular construction

  财政赤字规模the size of the deficit

  产业结构优化升级to upgrade the industrial structure

  装备制造业the equipment manufacturing industry

  建设资源节约型社会to build a conservation-minded society

  购买力purchasing power

  即期消费immediate consumption

  特色经济economies with local characteristics

  优势产业 competitive industries

  资源型经济the resource-based economies

  采煤沉陷区sinking land and cave-ins above exhausted mines

  重要商品粮基地key areas for commercial grain production

  革命老区old revolutionary base areas

  “扫黄”“打非” to fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications

  国有资产管理体制the state asset management system

  股份制the shareholding system

  集体经济the collective economy

  非公有制经济the non-public sector of the economy

  市场准入market access

  假冒伪劣产品counterfeit and shoddy goods

  非法传销pyramid schemes

  商业欺诈commercial fraud

  盗版侵权行为piracy and patent infringement

  洗钱money laundering

  市场多元化战略the strategy of market diversification

  “五个统筹”the "five balanced aspects" (balancing urban and rural development, balancingdevelopment among regions, balancing economic and social development, balancingdevelopment of man and nature, and balancing domestic development and opening wider tothe outside world)

  群众对上学难、看病难等问题反映比较强烈。People have strong complaints about the cost andavailability of schooling and medical treatment.

  退耕还林、退牧还草、天然林保护、风沙源和石漠化治理to return farmland to forests and animalbreeding grounds to pastures, protect natural forests, bring sources of sandstorms undereffective control and prevent karst areas from becoming stony deserts

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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