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来源:考试网   2019-02-26【



  国际清算银行行长 president of the Bank for international settlements

  宏观经济 macroeconomic

  浮动汇率 floating foreign exchange rate

  world economic projection 世界经济预计

  impetus 动力

  reassuring 让人放心

  command economy 计划经济

  fiscal policy 财政政策

  surplus and deficit 赢余和赤字

  deterioration 最坏;最低点

  without precedent 第一次

  pact 公约

  curb deficits 防止财政状况恶化

  pension commitments 养老金投入

  yields on nominal bonds 名义收益率

  deflation 紧缩

  exchange rate appreciation 货币升值

  domestic liquidity 国内流动资金

  precipitous move 突然变动

  stifle 葬送

  workable measures of transition 可行的过度措施

  stance 姿态


  新千年 the new millennium

  新纪元 the new age

  精髓 essence

  陶器 pottery

  京剧戏装 Costumes of Peking Opera

  莫高窟复制品 the replica of the Mogao Grottoes

  青铜战车 the bronze chariot

  战国早期的礼仪乐器 ritual musical instruments produced early in the Warring States Period

  八音度 a range of octave

  音域宽 wide range

  定音 tone setting

  瑟,笙,箫,鼓 se, sheng, xiao, drums

  整理 collate

  骨哨 bone flute

  摇篮 cradle

  舞台服饰 performance costumes

  夸张和象征的手法 exaggeration and symbolic means

  名模 famous model

责编:examwkk 评论 纠错


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