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来源:考试网   2012-05-11【
1.虽然中国究竟有多少种地方菜系并无定论,但是有关人士认为,中国有 山东菜、四川菜、粤(广东)菜和扬州菜等四大地方菜系。福建-台湾菜通 常被列为第五种地方菜系。
Although there is no agreement on the precise number of Chinese regional cuisine, those concerned with such matters agree that the four principal culinary regions are Shandong, Sichuan, Canton(Guangdong) and Yangzhou, with Fujian-Taiwan most commonly listed as a fifth.
It should be pointed out that these designations are not hard and fast geographical boundaries.
3.北京菜虽属山东菜系,却也融入了一些四川菜的特色,并受到蒙古菜的 影响。
Beijing food, for instance, falls within the realm of Shandong cooking, but includes some Sichuan dishes and Mongolian-influenced specialties.
4.又如,扬州菜系的范围,覆盖了汇集无锡、苏州、上海和杭州等菜式、 人口居住稠密的整个长江三角洲地区。
while the cuisine of the entire densely populated Yangtze River delta area, including Wuxi, Suzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou dishes, falls under the category of Yangzhou cuisine.
5.由于地方菜系之间存在着频频交覆现象,以及相互借鉴的情况,人们因 而认为,区分地方菜系最为简便的方法是按菜的知名度,而不是按菜的烹调 风格或口味进行辨别。
The frequent overlapping and borrowing that take place among the regional cuisine leads one to the conclusion that they are most conveniently distinguished by their famous dishes, rather than by any prevailing style or taste.
责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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