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来源:考试网   2021-07-15【





  Poverty Alleviation Through Increasing People’s Confidence and Helping Them Acquire Knowledge and Skills

  To end poverty, the first step is to end ignorance and illiteracy. Only by educating the younger generations properly, particularly those in poor and mountainous areas, can genuine outcomes be delivered in poverty elimination. A good education will also bring a better life and a brighter future for young people. The Chinese have a tradition of valuing education even when suffering financial difficulties. Providing a good education will ensure that children in poor regions will not be losers before the race has begun, and will uproot poverty once and for all. It is a very effective way to stop intergenerational transmission of poverty.

  To this end, China has adopted measures to improve education and the quality of teachers in poor regions, so that every child there can achieve well-rounded development.

  Poverty elimination needs to increase people’s confidence and help them acquire necessary knowledge and skills. While being recipients of poverty relief assistance, the poor are also major actors and a key force in fighting poverty. One approach to poverty elimination in China is to rely on the people and mobilize them to take part in the initiative. Equipped with a sense of self-reliance, the people will have confidence in their own ability to escape poverty and achieve prosperity. They will also be helped to acquire the skills they need to find jobs or do business, in order to support themselves and assist China’s poverty elimination campaign.






责编:jianghongying 评论 纠错


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