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来源:考试网   2021-07-14【


  新中国成立以来,党和国家十分重视发展教育事业,开展普及九年制义务教育、扫除青壮年文盲、均衡发展优质教育资源、精准帮扶贫困家庭子女等一系列教育扶贫措施和行动,对扶贫攻坚作出了卓越贡献。中共十八大以来, 围绕“全面建成小康社会”提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新要求,对扶贫工作作出了一系列重要部署,对教育扶贫提出了明确要求。2015年11月, 在中央扶贫开发工作会议上强调,教育是阻断贫困代际传递的治本之策,贫困地区教育事业是管长远的,必须下大力气抓好,扶贫既要富口袋,也要富脑袋。


  Poverty Alleviation Through Education

  The CPC and the Chinese government attach high importance to education. They have endeavored to promote nine-year compulsory education, eliminate illiteracy among young people, create a balance in the quality of education resources, and provide targeted assistance to children from poor families.

  Since 2012,  has put forward a series of new ideas and requirements on building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, including poverty alleviation through education. He told the Central Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Development in November 2015 that education is the best way to stop intergenerational transmission of poverty, and education is of far-reaching significance to poor areas and must be developed well. While increasing material wealth, efforts are also needed to enrich people’s knowledge.

  According to the Guidelines on Poverty Alleviation Through Education, jointly formulated by a number of ministries in 2013, different goals are set for basic, vocational and higher education. Basic education will address such problems as poor school conditions, bad infrastructure, and lack of good teachers and educational funds, so that local education will meet relevant standards and reach eligible children. Vocational education will enhance people’s capacity for self-development in order to escape poverty, achieve prosperity, develop the regional economy, and help poor regions find ways to aid themselves. Higher education should play a role in promoting the economic, industrial and technological development of poor areas, and advance the upgrading of their industrial structure. Colleges and universities will also enroll more candidates from poor areas and ensure their access to higher education.


  口译: 翻译资格考试二级口译模拟题

  笔译: 翻译资格考试二级笔译模拟题



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