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来源:考试网   2020-05-27【

  发源地 womb

  发展不平衡 disparate development

  发展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.

  法制观念和公民意识 legal awareness and understanding of the obligations of the citizens

  法治国家 a country under the rule of law

  法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system

  法制化管理 law-based control

  发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages

  发卡行 issuing bank

  法轮功分子 Falun Gong practitioner

  法律漏洞 legal loophole

  反败为胜 "bring about a complete turnabout, pull out of the fire"

  翻版 reprint; reproduction; mirror image

  反补贴税,反倾销税 countervailing duty

  反不正当竞争法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means

  反弹道导弹条约 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)

  反弹道导弹体系 anti-ballistic missile system

  贩毒集团 drug cartel

  反对党 opposition party

  反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government

  翻盖式移动电话 flip phone

  返回式卫星 return satellite

  翻建 renovate; rebuild on an old foundation

  反垃圾邮件业 anti-spam industry

  翻老帐 bring up old scores again

  翻两番 quadruple

  翻牌公司 government-body-turned company

  反聘 rehire after retirement

  反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures

  反倾销调查 anti-dumping investigations

  汎士通轮胎 Firestone tires

  繁体字 complex characters

  反分裂国家法 anti-secession law

  防暴枪 baton gun

  防抱死系统 ABS (anti-lock braking system)

  方便食品 instant food; convenience food

  防病毒软件 anti-virus software

  房产估价师 real estate evaluator

  房产证 property ownership certificate

  房产置换 buy or exchange houses

  房虫儿 real estate speculator

  防弹背心 bulletproof vest

  防盗门 burglarproof door; antitheft door

  房改 housing system reform

  放高球 lob

  房管 real estate management

  防洪工程 flood-prevention project; flood control project

  防护林 shelter forest belt; shelter forest

  防护林带 shelter belts

  防滑刹车系统 anti-skid brake system (ABS)

  防火墙 firewall

  防空部队 air defense force

  放款 extend loan

  放疗 radiation treatment

  仿冒 counterfeit

  房奴 mortgage slave (Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave.这么高的房价已将我沦为房奴。)

  防窃听电话 eavesdropping proof telephone

  房权证 property right certificate

  防沙治沙 prevent and control the spreading desert

  放射性污染 radioactive contamination

  防身术 personal defense skill

  防守反击(足球用语) counterattack

  访谈 interview and discuss

  访谈式竞选 (候选人在电视访谈节目中亮相进行的竞选) talk-show campaign

  防伪标志 anti-fake label

  防卫作战能力 defense capabilities and combat effectiveness

  防伪标志 fake-proof mark; counter-forgery mark

  访问学者 visiting scholar

  房屋中介 letting agent (Jin Yusong, the vice-general manager of letting agent Beijing Lianjia, said "We have thousands of clients and it is impossible to check what time they go home at night or what they do inside the house." 北京链家房屋中介公司的副总经理说,"链家拥有数以千计的客户,他们不可能挨个查每个人什么时候回家,或是在家里做什么。")

  放下架子 get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs

  放心店 trustworthy shop

  放心肉 quality-assured meat

  放行单 release permit

  防汛抗旱 flood control and drought relief

  放眼全球 expand one's horizons to include the whole world

  仿真机 replicating machine

  仿真枪 imitation gun (Beijing police Wednesday seized 316 imitation guns, most of which had been sold via the Internet, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,北京警方本周三(16日)缴获了316支仿真枪,其中大部分是通过网络售出的。)

  翻盖手机 flip phone / clamshell phone

  房地产商 real estate developer (London has planned £1b for the athletes' village for the 2012 Olympic Games, part of which will be provided by an Australian real estate developer. However, the current financial crisis has caused a shortfall in funding. The British government has to provide £95m to avoid disruption to the construction of the village. 2012年伦敦奥运村计划投资10亿英镑,其中部分将由一家澳大利亚房地产商承担。然而受金融危机影响,这笔资金迟迟无法到位,英国政府只得紧急伸出援手,拿出9500万英镑,确保有足够经费建设奥运村。)

  房地产市场 real estate market

  防范和化解金融风险 take precautions against and reduce financial risks






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